PCBgogo is a flex PCB/ rigid-flex PCB manufacturer and assembling service provider in China. We support small-batch printed circuit board manufacturing and full run flex PCB/ rigid-flex PCB orders.
Why do we have a reasonable price?
# We are not a broker
We are not a broker. PCBgogo factories consist of two PCB fabricating factories and two SMT factories. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility provides the quality consistency you need. And our top-notch sales quickly respond and handle any problems or questions that you may have with your order. All orders receive free engineer file review before going to fabrication. We don’t charge additionally from any quoting or manufacturing process.
# Order from 1 piece
We don’t have any minimum piece requirements about flex & rigid-Flex PCBs, so you don’t have to increase the order cost to meet some kind of minimum order requirements.
# PCB Instant quoting
You can get instant quotes, order, upload files, and even get status online 24 hours a day.
Different from other PCB manufacturers in China, PCBgogo has the mature algorithmic logic of the online quote system. Without any hidden costs, the system calculates the approximate price of your quote immediately, helping estimate your budget.
We understand that the cheaper the more attractive, but PCBgogo always strives to the most reasonable costs without compensating on quality, so we provide the most cost-effective price that you have ever known.
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Apr 16.2024, 14:35:48