Made an over-engineered power supply for my kids after watching them fumble around with a breadboard and frying an Arduino. Okay it's for me too.
It uses a TPS259621 efuse to shut off the power when a power rail is shorted, has an over-voltage ( by plugging power supplies into each other), or over-current. It can also be configured to shut down all the power rails at once if any of these conditions happens on any rail. The TPS continually checks if the condition clears and then powers everything up when it's okay. If any of the power regulators (MIC29302) goes into shutdown all of them shut off. Each TPS has inrush current management.
It's powered from a notebook power supply. The LED on the affected rail goes out if there's a problem. The current consumption on each rail can be monitored via a TPS pin broken out to the side of the PCB -- It was meant to vary the brightness of an LED depending on how much current is being drawn, but ran out of room and time. Maybe later.
See anything that could/should be done better let me know.
- Comments(1)

Mar 18.2020, 14:42:07
Doesn't have a way to mount the heatsinks you'll need to handle the power you need to dissipate.