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Flex Pcb: How to Choose Right Material

731 17 Sep 29.2022, 14:35:22
Flexible Printed Circuits – How to Choose the Right Material for Your ApplicationFlexible printed circuit (FPC) technologies have been proven as reliable and effective solutions to dynamic environments. Design circuits is supported by most modern E-CAD tools, but material selection for your FPC application can be a tricky process. In this article we will consider material selection for the FPC substrate, conductor, coverlay, surface finish, and stiffeners.SubstrateThe substrate is the core of a flex circuit stackup. Polyimide (PI) and Polyester (PET) are a fantastic choice for the vast majority of FPC applications as they offer a wide range of cost and performance to meet designers’ needs.In general, PET is a low-cost solution with great tear strength and thickness for most applications but falls short in its temperature rating. Since soldering would melt the material, polyester flex circuits use a conductive epoxy paste which acts like a glue attaching devices to the conductors. The s...

What are the materials features of flexible PCB?

680 9 Aug 11.2022, 17:13:35
Electronic circuit boards have gained momentum in terms of materials used in fabrication. The types of PCBs in the market are backed up by various high-performing buildup materials. In this article, we are going to focus on flexible printed circuit boards and the material used to build their structures.A flexible printed circuit board is a PCB that is made up of a flexible insulating substrate. They are boards that are accompanied ban excellent electrical performance together with high assembly density characteristics, minimal thickness, and lightweight. They have found great applications in the area of digital cameras, mobile phones, LCM, aerospace products, and mobile phones. The flexible PCB by PCBgogoThe flexible circuit board’s materials PIThis material is mostly used as a cover and base film. It ...