Vicor DCDC modules on test PCB...need to mount heatsinks on them
Feb 23.2020, 00:15:57
We are doing a Test PCB containing one Vicor BCM4414xH0E5035yzz module, which will feed 4 paralleled Vicor DCM3623x50M53C2yzz modules. (these are all DCDC modules)
The BCM module will dissipate 84W. Each DCM module will dissipate 43W.
We are going to need heatsinks on them. We think the best way would be to put 3mm NPT holes near the 4 corners of each module….and then use these to fit an aluminium heatsink plate over each module’s surface….ie screws and nuts/washers, to pressurize an aluminium plate against each module surface. Would you say this is the cheapest way to do it for this test (only) PCB?
Also, the BCM module that we are using is the “board mount” version. (pg 39 and 40 of the datasheet). It appears that holes 10,11,12 & 13 are for screwing the module to the PCB…..then PTH pads 1,2,3 & 4 are for power input and output. But what are the screws for on pads 1,2,3 & 4?.......since the “board mount” version "solders" into the PCB…so why does it have these 4 screws at pad pos...