Just had a batch of PCBs back from a manufacturer and they looked over etched. The tracks are really thin compare to another build.
Populated the board and tested it. It seems to be working fine.
Do you think the board is acceptable ?
- Comments(1)

Mar 27.2019, 09:38:16
It could be over etching, but production panels are normally etched with a series of known sized test lines (positive and negative) around the edge so the fabricator can check the etching against that reference. Unless there is no QC at all, over etched panels should not be processed further.
Assuming the design data was the same for both of those, it looks more like the data was adjusted prior to processing. The drills used for the vias are different sizes in the new batch and that is not down to etching. (The registration is also horrible so personally I wouldn't use those if you are using them to carry any current. Maybe OK for bench prototyping but carries a risk for production.)
Are you the guy making and submitting the gerbers?