In integrated circuits (ICs), interconnects are structures that connect two or more circuit elements (such as transistors) together electrically. The design and layout of interconnects on an IC is vital to its proper function, performance, power efficiency, reliability, and fabrication yield. The material interconnects are made from depends on many factors. Chemical and mechanical compatibility with the semiconductor substrate and the dielectric between the levels of interconnect is necessary, otherwise barrier layers are needed. Suitability for fabrication is also required; some chemistries and processes prevent the integration of materials and unit processes into a larger technology (recipe) for IC fabrication. In fabrication, interconnects are formed during the back-end-of-line after the fabrication of the transistors on the substrate.
- Comments(5)
Apr 30.2024, 02:19:03
Apr 25.2024, 06:35:58
Mar 29.2024, 13:49:19
Mar 13.2024, 02:39:30
Learning about the fabrication process of integrated circuits sheds light on the intricate world of semiconductor technology. Interconnects, though often overlooked, serve as the backbone of these circuits, facilitating the flow of electrical signals between different components.
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