So I finally gave in to the dark side and ordered a 2-layer board of a known-good design from a PCB manufacturer. I used their recommended EAGLE cam file to create the Gerbers, sent them off and about a week later received the boards. The board quality looked decent on initial inspection, so I assembled one and proceeded with testing. It worked fine, so no shorted or opened traces, but I was having a difficult time scoping signals from vias that do double-duty as scope probe test points on my boards. Upon closer inspection I saw that the vias were covered with solder mask?!? That's a first for me... I hope this is an error/defect on their part, and not something they do by default because otherwise the board quality and service was good.
EDIT: just for reference, square vias go to common/ground on my boards while round with a silkscreened circle around them are for signals/power rails.

- Comments(1)

Aug 01.2019, 17:44:53
Usually there some PCB manufacturers will edit gerber for you, hence they usually will ask you whether you want vias to be covered or not, or as is. If you do not want them to edit, just add a note on out-of-outline place of your gerber, or just tell their customer service.
Since they didn't ask you in advance, you can send them an email and ask for a rerun of your design for free or only shipping cost.